Thursday, June 28, 2012

One month

Today Jude is one month old! 
I know all momma's say it.. but I can't believe it! I feel like I just found out I was pregnant.. and now my baby is one month old! Goodness! 
Everything about being a Momma to this boy is wonderful. I just love him so much. As I write this, I'm looking over at my sweet boy as he sleeps next to me. So peaceful. I think I could stare at him forever. 
This boy has made all my dreams come true by making me a momma. I enjoy even the harder parts.. because this sweet boy makes it SO worth it. 

I love the smiles he makes in his sleep. Seriously adorable! 
I love how calm and happy he gets when he's taking a bath. 
I love watching his Daddy and him together. 
I love how he falls asleep on my chest so perfectly. 
I love how he likes to lay in the nook of his Daddy's leg.
I love when he wakes up from a nap so I can hold him again. (seriously.. my heart almost aches when he takes long naps because I just want to hold him again!!)
I love riding in the car with him. I've been sitting next to him in the back seat and he almost always falls asleep when we drive or he looks out the window thoughtfully. Precious.
I love laying in bed with both of my boys and watching all of his adorable expressions. He always makes us laugh.
I love his sweet smell. 

(this post would never end if I wrote all the little things I love about this boy) 

It's amazing how much love your heart can feel when you have a little. 

Happy one month, Jude bug! We love you more then we can say! I can't even imagine how wonderful the months to come are going to be! 
Here's what you look like at one month old:

Also, I'm still trying to decide how I want to share my birth story. So, look for a post regarding that sometime soon!

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Father's Day post

This is late.. but better then never! 
I totally admire momma bloggers! How do you find time to be a momma and blog?! I guess I'll figure it out eventually ;) I'm still new to all of this! 

Father's Day was so great. This was Lee's first Father's Day and we had a lot of fun. 
We went with my family and camped out in a cabin for 3 days. It was Jude's first camping trip and he basically slept the whole three days ;)

This was one of Lee's father's day gifts .. hehe
Poor baby was a little irritated with me for waking him up to put a bow on his head. Little trooper.

Handsome daddy and baby :) 

It's hard to get three people in our pictures now!!! :) 

I couldn't ask for a better Dad for our little boy. So so thankful! 

And also, I'm so grateful for my Dad. He has been such a good example throughout my life. 

Hope you all had a good Father's Day! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jude boy

Sorry I've been gone for so long! Actually.. I'm not ;) 
Right now I'm soaking in these baby days. I don't want to miss a minute of being next to this sweet one. Lee and I are having so much fun with our boy. There is no way anyone could ever prepare you for the joy that motherhood/parenthood brings. 

I'm having the time of my life.