Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hold life loosely

So Lee and I have just recently found a church here that we really like, 
It seems like every Sunday both of us leave with some profound truth that we have overlooked-
So here is my heart: 

I want to be like Job.
I want to be 'blameless and upright' in the eyes of the LORD.

After everything, like literally EVERYTHING, was taken from Job he said,
"... the Lord gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

What an incredible example of someone that held life loosely.
He actually grasped the concept that nothing earthly was significant

Why can't I grasp that? 
Why do I get mad at God when things don't go how I had planned them to? 
Why do I blame God so easily? 

Job 1:22 says,
"In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong."

I need to seriously start holding my life loosely & holding onto God more tightly. 
I want to be the one who is different. 
I want to be able to so easily praise God in the storm. 
What is my faith worth if I turn my back on God in the hard times? 

So my prayer is that I begin to hold life loosely. 
That I realize the insignificance of worldly things,
& that when hard times come I turn my face to the Lord and I bless His name


  1. This is so beautiful! I've been thinking the exact same things. I just read a quote from Jim Elliot along the same lines. I think he said, "Lord, loose my grasp on everything temporal."

  2. that is such a good prayer. to live is Christ and to die is gain. :) x

  3. This truly is beautiful! It was a lesson I had to learn in a hard, hard way once, and I think we all have to re-learn it periodically throughout our life. It's a beautiful journey, isn't it?
